415 research outputs found

    Primena genetičkih markera u kontroli kvaliteta semena i oplemenjivanju biljaka

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    Genetic markers have been used at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad for a number of years, both for seed quality control and for research purposes. The Laboratory for Seed Testing was the first in the former Yugoslavia to use the method of control of hybrid seed genetic purity based on enzymatic polymorphism. This paper presents the application of protein markers, isozymes, seed storage proteins and DNA markers for evaluation of seed and breeding materials of various agricultural crops in Serbia.Genetički markeri se dugi niz godina koriste u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu u kontroli kvaliteta semena i u istraživačke svrhe. Laboratorija za ispitivanje semena je prva u bivšoj Jugoslaviji uvela metod kontrole genetičke čistoće semena zasnovan na polimorfizmu enzima. U radu je dat pregled primene proteinskih markera, izoenzima i rezervnih proteina semena, kao i DNK markera u oceni kvaliteta semena i materijala za oplemenjivanje različitih biljnih vrsta u Srbiji

    Genetic purity of sunflower hybrids determined on the basis of isozymes and seed storage proteins

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    Maintenance of genetic uniformity of lines and hybrids is a prerequisite for successful production and placement of commercial hybrid seed on the market. Genetic purity of seed as specific seed trait is of great significance for seed science. Protein markers, seed storage proteins and isozymes, which are commonly used for the estimation of genetic purity, were used in this work to estimate genetic purity in sunflower hybrids. Analysis of helianthinin revealed tree zymogram patterns within and between sixteen sunflower hybrids. All of the 6 enzymatic systems analyzed, MDH, PGM, PHI, PGD, IDH and ACP, were polymorphic. A comparative analysis of genetic purity level of the sunflower hybrids was performed using electrophoretic methods. The methods of electrophoretic separation of isozymes and seed storage proteins were in agreement, with differences ranging from 1% to 5% in 81% of the samples. The level of polymorphism obtained by both methods was not distinct enough to be used in genotype identification

    Variability and heredity of some qualitative and quantitative grapevine characteristics

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    Variability and mode of heredity of some important qualitative and quantitative grapevine characteristics in 45 seedlings of F-1 generation obtained from crossing combination Seedling 113 x Muscat Hamburg were investigated in this study. The seedlings of F-1 generation for the investigated characteristics were arranged in certain number of categories by the OIV method. As variability indexes, standard deviation (S) and coefficient of variation (V) were used. Evaluation of the mode of heredity was done by chi(2) test and t-test. Considering examined characteristics, the highest variability showed grape yield (V=58.9%), and the lowest sugar content in must (V=16.3%). Color of berry skin, cluster resistance to Botrytis cinerea and leaf resistance to Plasmopara viticola showed monogenic mode of heredity. Exception from the monogenic mode of heredity was determined for the flavor of berry. Grape yield, bunch weight and berry weight showed negative heterosis. For the sugar content in must, domination of the parent with low sugar content in must was determined

    Activities of antioxidant defense enzymes in the blood of individuals with Leu144Phe mutation

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    Activities of cooper zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the blood of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with Leu144Phe mutation (FALS), asimptomatic carriers with Leu144Phe mutation and controls were studied. Activity of Cu,Zn SOD was significantly lower in the FALS patients and asimptomatic carriers than in controls (p<0.001). In the FALS patients GSH-Px activity was lower (p<0.01) and activity of GR was higher (p<0.001) in comparison with controls. Canonical discriminant analyses provide statistical evidence that examined groups are different in the composition of antioxidant enzymes in blood and revealed that each component confers to observed difference. Our results suggests that oxidative stress is involved in pathogenesis of FALS and the activities of antioxidant enzymes are exposed to different kind of oxidative pressure in FALS patients, asymptomatic carriers and controls.U ovom radu ispitivana je aktivnost: bakar cink sadržavajuće superoksid dismutaze (Cu, Zn SOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px), glutation reduktaze (GR) i glutation-S-transferaze (GST) u krvi pacijenata sa familijarnim oblikom amiotrofične lateralne skleroze (FALS) sa mutacijom Leu144Phe, asimptomskim nosiocima mutacije Leu144Phe i kontrola. Aktivnost Cu,Zn SOD je statistički značajno niža kod FALS pacijenata i asimptomskih nosioca mutacije Leu144Phe nego kod kontrola (p < 0,001). Kod FALS pacijenata aktivnost GSH-Px je niža (p < 0,01), a aktivnost GR je veća (p < 0,001) u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom. Kanonijska diskriminantna analiza obezbeđuje statističku podršku uočene razlike u sastavu antioksidacionih zaštitnih enzima u krvi ispitivanih grupa i pokazuje nam da svaka komponenta značajno doprinosi toj razlici. Naši rezultati sugerišu da je oksidacioni stres uključen u patogenezu FALS i da su antioksidacioni zaštitni enzimi izloženi različitom oksidacionom pritisku kod FALS, asimptomskih nosioca mutacije Leu144Phe i kontrola.nul

    Životna sposobnost i vigor semena različitih inbred linija kukuruza tretiranih neonikotinoidima

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different neonicotinoid seed treatments on viability and vigour of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines. The trial included three maize inbred lines (207 x 312/5 DNS, 7-1 NS, and 312/5 DNS) treated with recommended doses of three commercial formulations of systemic insecticides (Poncho 600-FS, Gaucho 600-FS, and Cruiser 350-FS). Generally, formulation Gaucho 600-FS can be considered the most harmful regarding the impact on the reduction of germination in all tested maize inbred lines. A significant reduction of germination in maize inbred line 7-1 NS was observed after seed treatment with Cruiser 350-FS, using the standard germination test and cold test. A significant increase in seedlings root and shoot growth of maize inbred line 312/5 DNS treated with Poncho 600-FS and Cruiser 350-FS was noted using the cold test.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj različitih tretmana semena neonikotinoidima na životnu sposobnost i vigor semena inbred (Zea mays L.) linija kukuruza. Eksperimentalni objekti su bile tri različite inbred linije kukuruza (207 x 312/5 DNS, 7-1 NS i 312/5 DNS) tretirane sa tri komercijalne formulacije (Poncho 600-FS, Gaucho 600-FS i Cruiser 350-FS) u preporučenim dozama. Generalno se Gaucho 600-FS može smatrati štetnim pošto utiče na smanjenje klijavosti semena kod svih ispitivanih inbred linija. Značajno smanjenje klijavosti semena inbred linije 7-1 NS primećeno je nakon tretmana sa Cruiser 350-FS kod standarnog testa klijavosti i hladnog testa. Značajan porast korena i nadzemnog dela izdanaka inbred linije 312/5 DNS tretirane formulacijama Poncho 600-FS i Cruiser 350-FS je uočen primenom hladnog testa

    Genetska varijabilnost i divergentnost selekcionog materijala kukuruza koji potiče od domaćih i stranih populacija, determinisana na bazi biohemijsko-genetskih markera

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    Isozymes can serve as genetic markers and their number should be large enough in order to make the coverage of genomes as complete as possible and in order to use these methods for gene marking for required agronomic traits. These markers are the products of 21 mapped genes, which is relatively reliable number for their application in mapping for certain agronomic traits. Genetic variability and diversity are significant for populations and for selfpolinated lines as basic material in breeding and creation of new corn hybrids. For that reason, several groups of corn populations of different origin were analyzed. Two groups of Yugoslav populations, Italian, Portuguese and French collections were assessed on the basis of detected alleles of 21 loci and standard genetic distances between genotypes. Yugoslav corn collections had shown high heterozygosity, on the basis of isozymes as gene markers. Genetic diversity of Italian populations was pronounced on the basis of some loci, and the Portuguese populations had more polymorphic and more heterozygous loci than French populations Inter-genetic variability between populations and their geographical location are very important in breeding crops for creation of heterosis.Izoenzimi se koriste kao genetski markeri, a njihov broj treba da bude dovoljno velik da bi pokrivenost genoma bila što veća i kao takvi su markeri gena za tražena agronomska svojstva. Upotrebljeni markeri su proizvodi 21 mapiranog gena, što predstavlja relativno pouzdan broj za tumačenje genetske osnove određenih osobina genotipa. Genetska varijabilnost i divergentnost su značajne za populacije i samooplodne linije, kao osnovni materijal u selekciji i stvaranju novih hibrida kukuruza. Iz tog razloga analizirano je nekoliko grupa populacija kukuruza različitog porekla. Dve grupe jugoslovenskih populacija, italijanska, portugalska i francuska kolekcija bile su ocenjene na osnovu alelne varijabilnosti za 21 lokus i standardne genetske udaljenosti unutar svake populacije. Jugoslovenske kolekcije kukuruza su pokazale visoku heterogenost na bazi izoenzima kao gen. markera Genetska divergentnost italijanske kolekcije je naglašena na bazi nekih lokusa, a portugalska je imala više polimorfnih i heterozigotnih lokusa od francuske kolekcije, što znači veći potencijal genetske varijabilnosti Inter-genetska varijabilnost između populacija i njihove geografske lokacije veoma su značajan uslov u selekciji biljnih vrsta i njihov heterozis

    Identifikacija genetskih osobina kukuruza (Zea mays L.) korišćenjem genetskih markera

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    Different genetic markers are used for estimation of breeding material, its characteristics and potential for ultimate aim - heterosis of hybrids. They also point out to the qualitative seed traits at the level of linkage with genes responsible for desirable agronomic traits. This program encompasses testing methodologies for the new seed technology. Genetic analysis of breeding material during certain phases is comprised of isozymic gene expression and degrees of their variability, but it is continued (in order to be evaluated) until determination of presence or absence of some genes existing or introduced for certain traits. Using combination of different molecular methods such as PCR, RAPD and AFLP based on polymorphism of DNA fragments, the definite aim - identification of newly created products of improvement is achieved. Testing of traits of breeding material, its genetic variability and diversity is the first stage in analysis of the maize genome. It is also the condition for determination of presence of certain genes, used for obtaining the ultimate aim - attest of identity of the genotype.Različiti genetski markeri se koriste za tumačenje selekcionog materijala njegovih osobina i osnove za krajnji cilj - heterozis hibrida. Oni su takođe pokazatelji kvaliteta semena na nivou vezanih gena za određena, tražena agronomska svojstva. Ovaj program uključuje nove metodologije za testiranje selekcionog i semenskog materijala. Genetske analize biljaka u fazama oplemenjivanja obuhvataju izoenzimsku ekspresiju gena i stepen njihove varijabilnosti, koja se nastavlja do determinacije prisustva ili odsustva gena, odgovornih za određena svojstva. Primenjuje se kombinacija različitih genetsko-molekularnih metoda, kao što su izoenzimi PCR, RAPD, AFLP, RFLP bazirani na polimorfizmu proteina i sekvenci DNK, čiji je krajnji cilj identifikacija novostvorenih genotipova i njihovo unapređenje. Utvrđivanje osobina selekcionog materijala, njegove genetske varijabilnosti i divergentnosti je prva faza u spoznaji genoma kukuruza. To je takođe uslov za determinaciju prisustva određenih gena, potrebnu za postizanje završne faze, potvrde o identitetu genotipa

    Implementation of monitoring for genetically modified rapeseed in Serbia

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    Genetically modified (GMO) rapeseed (Brassica napus) is not grown commercially in European Union, but several lines have been approved for production and use as food and feed. A case-specific monitoring of herbicide-tolerant rapeseed, events RT73, RF3 and T45 was established by Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Serbia. The objectives of the present study were to introduce methods for detection of herbicide-tolerant GM oilseed rape, investigate occurrence and monitor the presence of GM rapeseed in seed and the feed products, as well as to develop a protocol for quantification. The study was based on 48 samples, rapeseed (33) and feed (15) products, imported from EU countries (Germany, Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Austria) and from domestic market. Seven positive feed samples and no positive seed samples have found. The percent of GMO in feed samples, estimated on semi-quantitative way, was below labelling threshold. Adventitious presence of GM materials in non-GM grain, derived food and feedstuffs is a concern to international grain trade and needs continuous monitoring

    An Investigation Into Hybrid Aluminium/Composite Cardan Shaft

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    It is a well-known fact that natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Consequently, whenever possible in the machine element manufacture, metallic materials should be replaced with new artificial materials. This paper studies the possibility of replacing two cardan shafts of a truck TURBO ZETA 85.14B with one shaft made of aluminium and a composite material, while the basic requirements concerning the given load transfer and fundamental natural frequencies remain satisfied